St. Katharine Drexel Parish Catholic Church
The St. Katharine Drexel Parish Catholic Church models how to invite people using discipleship resources to serve in ministries according to grace and their discerned charisms.
This is How They Do It
Charism Discernment Parish Retreats are held twice each year with each participant's top 4 or 5 charisms entered into a parish database.
A Charism Ministry was formed from participants who attended the first retreat and felt called to be a part of the formation of a Charism Ministry. The Charism Ministry meets faithfully each month, having set forth a mission and vision statement. Each month, members engage in strategic planning and assessment as well as personal spiritual formation.
"Know your Charism" articles are placed in the Parish Bulletin once each month and include the following:
What is it?
Why is it important?
What parish ministries are best aligned with this charism?
Charism Workshop Sundays are offered occasionally featuring different 30-minute charism workshops.
A Parish Charism Database is maintained and when a parish ministry has a particular need, the ministry leader calls upon the Charism Ministry to submit the names of parishioners who have the related charisms.
For example:
- Example 1 - One ministry needed someone who knew about advertising and could design ads and another needed someone who could design a banner. The names and contact information of those who had the "craftsmanship" charism were given to these ministry leaders.
- Example 2
Still another ministry needed someone with the "administration" charism to take over leadership of their ministry as their leader was burning out. The names of their own ministry members who had that charism were submitted to them. The Faith Formation Director needed catechists and he was given the names of those with the charisms of: "Teaching, Evangelism, Leadership, Pastoring, and Knowledge".