“Look to the child. Check in with the child.
See the child as gifted and competent!
Catholic Publications / The Catholic Handbook
The Catholic Parent/Teacher Handbook of Child Growth, Development & Learning
(Photographs by sculptor, Timothy Schmaltz, used with permission throughout this publication!
The Catholic Handbook of Child Growth, Development and Learning is helps parents, teachers, and parent educators intentionally nurture children to their fullest potential, as children of God.
Use the book just like you would use a recipe book. When you want information about a particular aspect of your child's development, simply open to the numbered concept such as "obedience, risk-taking, or problem solving, for example, and learn all about the characteristic including what it is, when Jesus expresses it, why it is important, how would a child express it, and everyday activities you can do to support it.
WHAT IS IT? Gives several definitions and ways to understand the concept.
WHEN DOES JESUS EXPRESS IT? Provides several Gospel passages and discipleship resources showing when and how Jesus expressed it.
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Details why it is important for a child to express it.
HOW WOULD A CHILD EXPRESS IT? Illustrates how a child would express it.
AUTHOR’S NOTES: Shares authors knowledge and experience of it as witnessed in children.
WHAT CAN YOU, AS A PARENT, DO TO SUPPORT IT? Offers parents and caregivers very many ways to nurture and support it throughout the child’s growth and development including activities rooted in the Catholic Church and Traditions as well as faith and morals.
To View the Six Domain Menus of Child Development
Affective Development
Affective Development
Identifying oneself, managing one’s emotions and developing psychological strengths, virtues, values and ethical competence

Social Development
Social Development
Initiating and maintaining relationships, responding appropriately to others and interacting with others during leisure and play

Thinking, communicating, or acting in ways that are new and original to the person

Acquiring, storing, and retrieving information including memory, perceiving, reasoning, and problem solving

Communicating through listening, speaking, reading, writing and other modes

Developing large and small muscle control, sensory awareness and physical maturity